

If you have taken the time and managed to become a follower to gain the access to my upcoming material, then you probably are a complete beginner to SNGs, or have played a couple of SNGs and struggled. Perhaps you even got a lot of experience, but feel the need to develop further, then you have come to the right place. With the help of my instructional videos and some other information that I will provide you with I garantee that you will be a winning player, at least at the levels that I will discuss ($1.50-$15). All I want from you is that you are willing and dedicated to learn. You also have to do exactly what I tell you to do. If you do that I guarantee you that you will win money. I have coached several of my friends using the material, and they all have become winners in SNGs, The only difference is that I have condensed all the information I gave to them into a couple of articles and videos available for you. Most of my friends have managed to earn thousands of dollars each month using my system.

I will release what I have created on a regular basis, for now the schedule looks something like this. The created material is written but perhaps a video to demonstrate the chapters will slip in if needed.
Some of the material is more detailed then others of obvious reasons. I´ll start to excuse myself if the english is not 100%, I blame this on my swedish heritage...

1) Basics

Cbet the flop

3) Tools of the trade

4) Use a HUD!!!!

5) Creation of a Push chart!

Vpps fpps bonus bankrollmanagement

7) Make a customlayout, use Stars colournotes.

8) SNG Strategy tips

9) In need of a call chart?!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Use a HUD!!!!

This is how my hud looks like:
With  abbreviations to show

Abbreviations hidden

Big blinds - number of big blinds
Name - name of the player

VPIP - Voluntarily Put $ In Pot
Preflop raise - Raise preflop
3-bet - BB is Bet 1, a raise is bet 2, the next raise is bet 3.  (3-Bet)
Fold to 3-Bet - How often a player folds to a 3-Bet
Hands - number of hands (more hands more accurate)

EP Preflop Raise - Early position raise preflop
MP Preflop Raise - Middle position raise preflop
CO steal - When someone raises from the CO when the pot is unopened
BTN Steal - When someone raises from the Button when the pot is unopened
SB Steal - When someone raises from the SB when the pot is unopened

BB Fold Vs Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off, button or SB and they fold
SB Fold Vs Steal - When the SB faces a raise from either the Cut-off or button and they fold
BB Call VS Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off, button or SB and they call
SB Call VS Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off or button and they call

Flop CB - Bet the flop after being the Pre Flop Raiser Preflop
Fold to Flop CB - How often they fold the flop when faced with a continuation bet

You can change the stats abbreviations to what you want.

If this ist the first time using a hud this can be a little bit tricky to understand but start of slow. I´ll go through the most important stats to get you started:

Vpip - if the vpip % is high they are entering a lot of pots, through limping or raising. Guys with a really high vpip call them down light and remember toppair is enough.

All the third row stats raise/steal stats is another very imported stat that you use all the time.
Example we are on the bb with 10bb and sb pushes all in with 10bb, what is our calling range here? Without the third row we would have to make a default call with a default range, but lucky for us we got our hud on and it tells us that the sb steals 40% we then proceed to look at our callchart and see that we can call with 15%. It is like cheating using the hud but hey it´s allowed!

If something is unclear write a comment  and I´ll try to answer it!


  1. Hey man nice to see what HUD you are using and have to say quite detailed!! One question i have is related to the 40% steal so you can call 15% of the time. I have made charts but am never sure if the call in this case is 10% or 20% and can you let me know why you have 15%. Is there a fixed rule??

  2. I will post a callsheet in a couple of weeks. But eventough they got a 40% steal regulars often change up their game against specific players like other regulars. But if a person got 40% steal and you havent seen them do any strange things just call with 15% make it easy and don´t overanalyse.

  3. hi, i have set up the HUD similair to yours but i dont know how to show it on pokerstars. I mean when your sat at the table i cant see all my stats etc. can you help?

  4. How do you color code the different stats?

  5. do you`ve got different colors between ranges ?
    50vpip = red
    25vpip = orange
    10vpip = green

    or somewhat ?

  6. Yes my hud stats change colour depending on vpp and pfr for example.

  7. can you tell me what are high and low percentages ?
    for example i don`t know if someone is stealing from the sb 30% is that much or not for 18man turbo sng ?

  8. you don`t want to share your ranges ? :(
    when arrives your next blog or academy entries ? love your blog and helped me a lot !
    another thing that i thought about is, if it`s possible for you to add a forum to these blog, so all members can share there thoughts, facts, results etc.

    dont know how much work it woudl take, just my 2 cents !
