If you have taken the time and managed to become a follower to gain the access to my upcoming material, then you probably are a complete beginner to SNGs, or have played a couple of SNGs and struggled. Perhaps you even got a lot of experience, but feel the need to develop further, then you have come to the right place. With the help of my instructional videos and some other information that I will provide you with I garantee that you will be a winning player, at least at the levels that I will discuss ($1.50-$15). All I want from you is that you are willing and dedicated to learn. You also have to do exactly what I tell you to do. If you do that I guarantee you that you will win money. I have coached several of my friends using the material, and they all have become winners in SNGs, The only difference is that I have condensed all the information I gave to them into a couple of articles and videos available for you. Most of my friends have managed to earn thousands of dollars each month using my system.
I will release what I have created on a regular basis, for now the schedule looks something like this. The created material is written but perhaps a video to demonstrate the chapters will slip in if needed. Some of the material is more detailed then others of obvious reasons. I´ll start to excuse myself if the english is not 100%, I blame this on my swedish heritage...
1) Basics
2) Cbet the flop
3) Tools of the trade
4) Use a HUD!!!!
5) Creation of a Push chart!
6) Vpps fpps bonus bankrollmanagement
7) Make a customlayout, use Stars colournotes.
8) SNG Strategy tips
9) In need of a call chart?!
For the ones of you that has asked about coach/stake deals wait until the series have ended. If you still want/need additional coaching etc to move up in levels contact me again. Remember that the series is just basics info that every sngplayer should know. Also remember that the buy ins levels differs in play and that the pushchart is for the lower levels so is the information and tips. I´ll try to make a video or two, one were I play a couple of tables and perhaps discuss some more and one where I multitable 30-40 tables but with no talk as that is not possible at least what I think...
Remember the only remedy for variance is volume and more volume!
One is not enough! |
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This is! |
It is of course easier to construct a chart if you have played a large amount of sngs on the buyin level, I have to admit that i havent played alot of sngs on the 6 and the 10 dollars level but last year i played around 70 000 sngs. I will make a chart similiar to mine but this chart will be a lot looser because the majority of players here will be fish and they dont have a clue about icm.
Of course there is not only fish on this level. We got people that have realized that there is alot of all ins on the table and mimics the behavour without knowing what the are doing.
The next step is people that have googled about sngs tactics and found a useable article and perhaps stumbled upon a pushchart and learnt some handranges and started to adjust their game.
Another kind of opponent that you will encounter is the "regs" there is a bunch of different regs but they got one thing in common that is that they know icm and think that most of the have created a push chart and perhaps a call chart of there one and tinkered around with sngwizard! There is of course more kinds of oppnents but we will settle with that.
From this we will create a push chart and we can assume that the majority of oppnents will not consist of regs and semidecent players but fish. We assume that they dont know the mathematical part of a sng, and we assume that they not understand the prizepool and structure of a sng and that at the bubble that their calling range should be tighter and that they should push alot yadidayadaaa......
Fish just don´t care if there is bigstacks at the table and they dont care if a guy is 1 bb from bubbling they will still call with 44 and hope for the best! What we know is that they only care about their cards, and how often do you get a good hand? Therefore the chart that we will create will be loose we will be pushing alot!
We could create a chart that is thoroughly made and addresses all situations. But that chart would take to long to make and it would take to long time to look at it during play if you play several tables. So we will make a simpel but useable chart that looks something like this!!
I was thinking about showing you guys how you use sngswizard to create a chart but I have done that and I find it really really boring so I will modify my charts that I use to a Chart for this level. Hope that´s fine!

This chart is not carved in stone if you want you can change it for you liking!
Another tips is to use it but from month to month change the % you push. For example from the small blind with 10bb we push 52.3% you can change this and add 10% or remove 10% of hands to confuse people that use holdemmanager or take notes. But that is another advanced topic. Learn about handranges and you will excel!