18 man 11 tables lowstakes
At first I was not going to upload this because I thought something went wrong during the recording,
but here it is...
18 man violated lowstakes
Almost tilted because I wanted to show you guys nice final table play oh well....
SngNerd Academy
If you have taken the time and managed to become a follower to gain the access to my upcoming material, then you probably are a complete beginner to SNGs, or have played a couple of SNGs and struggled. Perhaps you even got a lot of experience, but feel the need to develop further, then you have come to the right place. With the help of my instructional videos and some other information that I will provide you with I garantee that you will be a winning player, at least at the levels that I will discuss ($1.50-$15). All I want from you is that you are willing and dedicated to learn. You also have to do exactly what I tell you to do. If you do that I guarantee you that you will win money. I have coached several of my friends using the material, and they all have become winners in SNGs, The only difference is that I have condensed all the information I gave to them into a couple of articles and videos available for you. Most of my friends have managed to earn thousands of dollars each month using my system.
I will release what I have created on a regular basis, for now the schedule looks something like this. The created material is written but perhaps a video to demonstrate the chapters will slip in if needed. Some of the material is more detailed then others of obvious reasons. I´ll start to excuse myself if the english is not 100%, I blame this on my swedish heritage...
1) Basics
2) Cbet the flop
3) Tools of the trade
4) Use a HUD!!!!
5) Creation of a Push chart!
6) Vpps fpps bonus bankrollmanagement
7) Make a customlayout, use Stars colournotes.
8) SNG Strategy tips
9) In need of a call chart?!
I will release what I have created on a regular basis, for now the schedule looks something like this. The created material is written but perhaps a video to demonstrate the chapters will slip in if needed. Some of the material is more detailed then others of obvious reasons. I´ll start to excuse myself if the english is not 100%, I blame this on my swedish heritage...
1) Basics
2) Cbet the flop
3) Tools of the trade
4) Use a HUD!!!!
5) Creation of a Push chart!
6) Vpps fpps bonus bankrollmanagement
7) Make a customlayout, use Stars colournotes.
8) SNG Strategy tips
9) In need of a call chart?!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thursday, October 20, 2011
So here is the wanted callchart! Use this near the bubble and if there is antes move 1 or 2 rows to the left same for heads up 1 or 2 rows. If a regular pushes from the sb vs you and his steal % from the sb is around 60% don´t always follow the chart because they usually got diffrent ranges vs other regulars. Remember that this is only guidelines, Use this with the pushchart and my advices and you can´t go wrong!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Colortag the bastards!
I hope that you are all aware of the feature that PokerStars got and hopefully every other site out there, that you can take notes! In Stars you can change the notes colors and that is very useable.
Darkblue: Tricky
Lightblue: Fish
Purple: Very good Reg
Green: weak reg
Yellow: New player, got no stats on him.
Orange: average reg
Red: Good reg
Use notes you don´t have to write in every note just colortag them so you notice them when they are on the table. You could also instead of having "Tricky" and ""Very good reg" colornote people after the % they are pushing. Let say that you know that a certain opponent is pushing 30% then you use the color you prefer.
We can also combine the colornotes in Stars with Holdemmanagers note system. So we get two notes on every player the more info the better. Where the Stars notes tell approximately on what level they are on, and then Holdemmanager notes tell you something about their tendencies. Like you use the green note in holdemmanager and it means that they prefer to checkraise all in on the flop or whatever you want. Like if they are TAG or Loose or if they dont care much about the bubble, they are spewmonkeys, limps AA, tricky postflop, tricky preflop, blinddefender, steals alot, weak, bully.
There is alot you can do, and when combining Stars colornotes with Holdemmanagers notes and also Holdemmanagers stats we then get a lot of information to use.
I don´t know if you have made a tablelayout before, if you haven´t then its ok. I however prefer that my table are neatly stacked on top of each other in my left upper corner. If you create a tablelayout and saves it the tables dont pop up on random place and makes you lose time by pulling it to the right place. The tables pops up on one spot all the time and it is very good when playing a ton of tables.
I hope that you are all aware of the feature that PokerStars got and hopefully every other site out there, that you can take notes! In Stars you can change the notes colors and that is very useable.
Darkblue: Tricky
Lightblue: Fish
Purple: Very good Reg
Green: weak reg
Yellow: New player, got no stats on him.
Orange: average reg
Red: Good reg
Use notes you don´t have to write in every note just colortag them so you notice them when they are on the table. You could also instead of having "Tricky" and ""Very good reg" colornote people after the % they are pushing. Let say that you know that a certain opponent is pushing 30% then you use the color you prefer.
We can also combine the colornotes in Stars with Holdemmanagers note system. So we get two notes on every player the more info the better. Where the Stars notes tell approximately on what level they are on, and then Holdemmanager notes tell you something about their tendencies. Like you use the green note in holdemmanager and it means that they prefer to checkraise all in on the flop or whatever you want. Like if they are TAG or Loose or if they dont care much about the bubble, they are spewmonkeys, limps AA, tricky postflop, tricky preflop, blinddefender, steals alot, weak, bully.
There is alot you can do, and when combining Stars colornotes with Holdemmanagers notes and also Holdemmanagers stats we then get a lot of information to use.
I don´t know if you have made a tablelayout before, if you haven´t then its ok. I however prefer that my table are neatly stacked on top of each other in my left upper corner. If you create a tablelayout and saves it the tables dont pop up on random place and makes you lose time by pulling it to the right place. The tables pops up on one spot all the time and it is very good when playing a ton of tables.
Monday, August 15, 2011
You got to have bankrollmanagament because when the variance hit you and be sure it will hit you sometime, then its nice to have extra dollars on your account. So how many buyins do we need? It depends on a lot of things like what kind of sng are we playing, cause in a hyperturbo sng the swings are more brutal cause luckfactor here is bigger, also the payouts affect this. Also one thing to take in account is how many tables you play at once, do you play 20 tables then of course you will need more buyins then when playing 4 tables.
Prepare yourself that somedays we will lose, eventough we are much better then our opponents. Sometimes it can be a few buyins but you can also lose up to 20 buyins even 40 when playing a lot of tables.
That is why we use bankrollmanagament when the variance comes creeping we have a soft cushion of more buyins as protection.
I recommend using at least 40 buyins but if you are planning to play around 30-40 tables at the same time then 100 buyins is what I recommend.
Some players us a buyin limit on how much you are allowed to lose on one day and then stops playing for the day. Perhaps that is good if you got no tiltcontrol and can cool down and start another day refreshed. But when playing sngs I think its better you set a fixed number of sngs to play a day or how long you are going to play. Because eventough you use a stoploss of x numbers of buyins, what is saying that the downswing will stop and not continue to the next day? That is why I recommend playing through the badswings and try to be positive and not tilt. So to beat the variance the only cure is volume play as many sngs you can.
If you loose a lot of buyins step down in level and swallow your pride. Build up the roll again at lower stakes and then get back. This goes both ways you got a lot dollars in your account then go up in level.
If you got 100 buyins as bankroll and you are not planning on going up in level, then I suggest you cashout everything above 100 buyins once a month or what suits you. But if you are planning to advance in level then of course you cant withdraw everything above 100 buyins, you have to figure out depending on your roll and when you want to go up in level, so that you can build your bankroll to be able to handle the new level.
Prepare yourself that somedays we will lose, eventough we are much better then our opponents. Sometimes it can be a few buyins but you can also lose up to 20 buyins even 40 when playing a lot of tables.
That is why we use bankrollmanagament when the variance comes creeping we have a soft cushion of more buyins as protection.
I recommend using at least 40 buyins but if you are planning to play around 30-40 tables at the same time then 100 buyins is what I recommend.
Some players us a buyin limit on how much you are allowed to lose on one day and then stops playing for the day. Perhaps that is good if you got no tiltcontrol and can cool down and start another day refreshed. But when playing sngs I think its better you set a fixed number of sngs to play a day or how long you are going to play. Because eventough you use a stoploss of x numbers of buyins, what is saying that the downswing will stop and not continue to the next day? That is why I recommend playing through the badswings and try to be positive and not tilt. So to beat the variance the only cure is volume play as many sngs you can.
If you loose a lot of buyins step down in level and swallow your pride. Build up the roll again at lower stakes and then get back. This goes both ways you got a lot dollars in your account then go up in level.
If you got 100 buyins as bankroll and you are not planning on going up in level, then I suggest you cashout everything above 100 buyins once a month or what suits you. But if you are planning to advance in level then of course you cant withdraw everything above 100 buyins, you have to figure out depending on your roll and when you want to go up in level, so that you can build your bankroll to be able to handle the new level.
Monday, August 1, 2011
SNG Strategy
Here are a couple of simple strategy reminders to follow. Some can perhaps look contradicting so write if there is something you don´t understand or that I should mention.
I´ll post more on a later time but I am short on time cause I am in Tallinn trying to win a EPT...one time!
* In every hand a preflop decision is made, learning and understanding this part is very important because almost everything is decided preflop in sngs.
* Learn this and you will be ahead of most of your oppnents.
* When the blindlevels are low we raise 3xbb but once they have increased to let say 25-50 we rasie 2xbb - 2.5xbb.
* When the big blind hits 100 you can start to minraise but expect a lot of calls and more postflop play.
* Using the holdemmanager and the hud will quickly collect hands and get knowledge of our opponents.
* Steal as much as we get away with but dont just steal with junk if the guy of course isn´t autofolding, steal with hands that got some value.
* If the bb calls alot dont minraise, just raise good hands if you arent comfortable playing postflop.
* Many people get scared and slows down on the turn
* Many use potcontrol and checks to much on the turn.
* If someone has called your cbet on the flop and you got something of value bet again.
* If we get raised on the turn by a fish or a regular just fold beacuse they probably got the nuts.
* Very few people raise you light on the turn.
* Checkraised on the river just fold as its usually the nuts.
* Usually go with top pair god kicker on the flop, play for stacks. At least at these levels.
* If a oppnent on these levels go all in for 1500 when the blinds are 10-20 or 15-30 call with 99+ AJs+. If they just open push that is.
* A good samplesize of hands is 1000, when consulting the hud.
* Remember the variance dont get upset if you lose 20 sngs in a row, that is standard when playing a lot of tables.
* Try to play at least 10 sngs at a time as the tactics is simple.
Thought process from the bb is something like this:
Look at our stack? is it under 10 bb? yes no?
Look at our hand is it good enough to push all in with? yes no?
Compare it to our oppnents pfr position stat is he stealing a lot? yes no?
Is he folding enough to a 3bet all in ? yes no?
Can I just call his raise? again look at his Steal % and decide.
Ask yourself these questions and you will know what to do!
I´ll post more on a later time but I am short on time cause I am in Tallinn trying to win a EPT...one time!
* In every hand a preflop decision is made, learning and understanding this part is very important because almost everything is decided preflop in sngs.
* Learn this and you will be ahead of most of your oppnents.
* When the blindlevels are low we raise 3xbb but once they have increased to let say 25-50 we rasie 2xbb - 2.5xbb.
* When the big blind hits 100 you can start to minraise but expect a lot of calls and more postflop play.
* Using the holdemmanager and the hud will quickly collect hands and get knowledge of our opponents.
* Steal as much as we get away with but dont just steal with junk if the guy of course isn´t autofolding, steal with hands that got some value.
* If the bb calls alot dont minraise, just raise good hands if you arent comfortable playing postflop.
* Many people get scared and slows down on the turn
* Many use potcontrol and checks to much on the turn.
* If someone has called your cbet on the flop and you got something of value bet again.
* If we get raised on the turn by a fish or a regular just fold beacuse they probably got the nuts.
* Very few people raise you light on the turn.
* Checkraised on the river just fold as its usually the nuts.
* Usually go with top pair god kicker on the flop, play for stacks. At least at these levels.
* If a oppnent on these levels go all in for 1500 when the blinds are 10-20 or 15-30 call with 99+ AJs+. If they just open push that is.
* A good samplesize of hands is 1000, when consulting the hud.
* Remember the variance dont get upset if you lose 20 sngs in a row, that is standard when playing a lot of tables.
* Try to play at least 10 sngs at a time as the tactics is simple.
Thought process from the bb is something like this:
Look at our stack? is it under 10 bb? yes no?
Look at our hand is it good enough to push all in with? yes no?
Compare it to our oppnents pfr position stat is he stealing a lot? yes no?
Is he folding enough to a 3bet all in ? yes no?
Can I just call his raise? again look at his Steal % and decide.
Ask yourself these questions and you will know what to do!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Regarding coaching and staking deals
For the ones of you that has asked about coach/stake deals wait until the series have ended. If you still want/need additional coaching etc to move up in levels contact me again. Remember that the series is just basics info that every sngplayer should know. Also remember that the buy ins levels differs in play and that the pushchart is for the lower levels so is the information and tips. I´ll try to make a video or two, one were I play a couple of tables and perhaps discuss some more and one where I multitable 30-40 tables but with no talk as that is not possible at least what I think...
Remember the only remedy for variance is volume and more volume!
Remember the only remedy for variance is volume and more volume!
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One is not enough! |
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This is! |
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Construct a Push chart
It is of course easier to construct a chart if you have played a large amount of sngs on the buyin level, I have to admit that i havent played alot of sngs on the 6 and the 10 dollars level but last year i played around 70 000 sngs. I will make a chart similiar to mine but this chart will be a lot looser because the majority of players here will be fish and they dont have a clue about icm.
Of course there is not only fish on this level. We got people that have realized that there is alot of all ins on the table and mimics the behavour without knowing what the are doing.
The next step is people that have googled about sngs tactics and found a useable article and perhaps stumbled upon a pushchart and learnt some handranges and started to adjust their game.
Another kind of opponent that you will encounter is the "regs" there is a bunch of different regs but they got one thing in common that is that they know icm and think that most of the have created a push chart and perhaps a call chart of there one and tinkered around with sngwizard! There is of course more kinds of oppnents but we will settle with that.
From this we will create a push chart and we can assume that the majority of oppnents will not consist of regs and semidecent players but fish. We assume that they dont know the mathematical part of a sng, and we assume that they not understand the prizepool and structure of a sng and that at the bubble that their calling range should be tighter and that they should push alot yadidayadaaa......
Fish just don´t care if there is bigstacks at the table and they dont care if a guy is 1 bb from bubbling they will still call with 44 and hope for the best! What we know is that they only care about their cards, and how often do you get a good hand? Therefore the chart that we will create will be loose we will be pushing alot!
We could create a chart that is thoroughly made and addresses all situations. But that chart would take to long to make and it would take to long time to look at it during play if you play several tables. So we will make a simpel but useable chart that looks something like this!!
I was thinking about showing you guys how you use sngswizard to create a chart but I have done that and I find it really really boring so I will modify my charts that I use to a Chart for this level. Hope that´s fine!
This chart is not carved in stone if you want you can change it for you liking!
Another tips is to use it but from month to month change the % you push. For example from the small blind with 10bb we push 52.3% you can change this and add 10% or remove 10% of hands to confuse people that use holdemmanager or take notes. But that is another advanced topic. Learn about handranges and you will excel!
Of course there is not only fish on this level. We got people that have realized that there is alot of all ins on the table and mimics the behavour without knowing what the are doing.
The next step is people that have googled about sngs tactics and found a useable article and perhaps stumbled upon a pushchart and learnt some handranges and started to adjust their game.
Another kind of opponent that you will encounter is the "regs" there is a bunch of different regs but they got one thing in common that is that they know icm and think that most of the have created a push chart and perhaps a call chart of there one and tinkered around with sngwizard! There is of course more kinds of oppnents but we will settle with that.
From this we will create a push chart and we can assume that the majority of oppnents will not consist of regs and semidecent players but fish. We assume that they dont know the mathematical part of a sng, and we assume that they not understand the prizepool and structure of a sng and that at the bubble that their calling range should be tighter and that they should push alot yadidayadaaa......
Fish just don´t care if there is bigstacks at the table and they dont care if a guy is 1 bb from bubbling they will still call with 44 and hope for the best! What we know is that they only care about their cards, and how often do you get a good hand? Therefore the chart that we will create will be loose we will be pushing alot!
We could create a chart that is thoroughly made and addresses all situations. But that chart would take to long to make and it would take to long time to look at it during play if you play several tables. So we will make a simpel but useable chart that looks something like this!!
I was thinking about showing you guys how you use sngswizard to create a chart but I have done that and I find it really really boring so I will modify my charts that I use to a Chart for this level. Hope that´s fine!
This chart is not carved in stone if you want you can change it for you liking!
Another tips is to use it but from month to month change the % you push. For example from the small blind with 10bb we push 52.3% you can change this and add 10% or remove 10% of hands to confuse people that use holdemmanager or take notes. But that is another advanced topic. Learn about handranges and you will excel!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Use a HUD!!!!
This is how my hud looks like:
Big blinds - number of big blinds
Name - name of the player
VPIP - Voluntarily Put $ In Pot
Preflop raise - Raise preflop
3-bet - BB is Bet 1, a raise is bet 2, the next raise is bet 3. (3-Bet)
Fold to 3-Bet - How often a player folds to a 3-Bet
Hands - number of hands (more hands more accurate)
EP Preflop Raise - Early position raise preflop
MP Preflop Raise - Middle position raise preflop
CO steal - When someone raises from the CO when the pot is unopened
BTN Steal - When someone raises from the Button when the pot is unopened
SB Steal - When someone raises from the SB when the pot is unopened
BB Fold Vs Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off, button or SB and they fold
SB Fold Vs Steal - When the SB faces a raise from either the Cut-off or button and they fold
BB Call VS Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off, button or SB and they call
SB Call VS Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off or button and they call
Flop CB - Bet the flop after being the Pre Flop Raiser Preflop
Fold to Flop CB - How often they fold the flop when faced with a continuation bet
You can change the stats abbreviations to what you want.
If this ist the first time using a hud this can be a little bit tricky to understand but start of slow. I´ll go through the most important stats to get you started:
Vpip - if the vpip % is high they are entering a lot of pots, through limping or raising. Guys with a really high vpip call them down light and remember toppair is enough.
All the third row stats raise/steal stats is another very imported stat that you use all the time.
Example we are on the bb with 10bb and sb pushes all in with 10bb, what is our calling range here? Without the third row we would have to make a default call with a default range, but lucky for us we got our hud on and it tells us that the sb steals 40% we then proceed to look at our callchart and see that we can call with 15%. It is like cheating using the hud but hey it´s allowed!
If something is unclear write a comment and I´ll try to answer it!
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With abbreviations to show |
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Abbreviations hidden |
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Big blinds - number of big blinds
Name - name of the player
VPIP - Voluntarily Put $ In Pot
Preflop raise - Raise preflop
3-bet - BB is Bet 1, a raise is bet 2, the next raise is bet 3. (3-Bet)
Fold to 3-Bet - How often a player folds to a 3-Bet
Hands - number of hands (more hands more accurate)
EP Preflop Raise - Early position raise preflop
MP Preflop Raise - Middle position raise preflop
CO steal - When someone raises from the CO when the pot is unopened
BTN Steal - When someone raises from the Button when the pot is unopened
SB Steal - When someone raises from the SB when the pot is unopened
BB Fold Vs Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off, button or SB and they fold
SB Fold Vs Steal - When the SB faces a raise from either the Cut-off or button and they fold
BB Call VS Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off, button or SB and they call
SB Call VS Steal - When the BB faces a raise from either the Cut-off or button and they call
Flop CB - Bet the flop after being the Pre Flop Raiser Preflop
Fold to Flop CB - How often they fold the flop when faced with a continuation bet
You can change the stats abbreviations to what you want.
If this ist the first time using a hud this can be a little bit tricky to understand but start of slow. I´ll go through the most important stats to get you started:
Vpip - if the vpip % is high they are entering a lot of pots, through limping or raising. Guys with a really high vpip call them down light and remember toppair is enough.
All the third row stats raise/steal stats is another very imported stat that you use all the time.
Example we are on the bb with 10bb and sb pushes all in with 10bb, what is our calling range here? Without the third row we would have to make a default call with a default range, but lucky for us we got our hud on and it tells us that the sb steals 40% we then proceed to look at our callchart and see that we can call with 15%. It is like cheating using the hud but hey it´s allowed!
If something is unclear write a comment and I´ll try to answer it!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Important programs
A necessity when multitabling, it got hotkeys that you can program that will make you fold with a simple click of a button, it autoclicks the timebank for you. It even autoregister for you and get rid of all the pesky pop ups!
Tracks your opponentes tendencies, if there is a spot that you are uncertain of if you should call or fold, you just check their stats in your hud. Nothing more to say really but a must have! There are similiar programs out there if you think its to expensive,
SngWizard and Pokerstove
Good programs to fiddel around in and learn about handranges and equity. If you want to move up in stakes and learn more you should take a look at these.
A necessity when multitabling, it got hotkeys that you can program that will make you fold with a simple click of a button, it autoclicks the timebank for you. It even autoregister for you and get rid of all the pesky pop ups!
Tracks your opponentes tendencies, if there is a spot that you are uncertain of if you should call or fold, you just check their stats in your hud. Nothing more to say really but a must have! There are similiar programs out there if you think its to expensive,
SngWizard and Pokerstove
Good programs to fiddel around in and learn about handranges and equity. If you want to move up in stakes and learn more you should take a look at these.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Cbet the flop
What to think about before cbetting!
1) Own hand
Stronger hands - bet bigger
Weaker hands - bet smaller
2) Board texture
Board drawy - bet bigger
Less drawy - bet smaller
3) Opponent
High fold to cbet - bet
Calls cbet alot - bet with good hands otherwise check, or cbet and follow up with a turnbarrel. Because a lot of your opponents are callingstations so a flop bet will not do it but if you follow up with at turn bet, they will let you know if they got something.
Make it simple people still won´t pick up on what you are doing!
Opponent tendencies if Fcb is high cbet more.
If its checked around on the flop and we are in position cbet 100%
When we cbet we are not trying get our opponent to fold big hands, just nothing hands. For example on a A T 6 flop your opponents 88 have now become a "nothing hand" We are not and I´ll repeat not trying to make them fold a Ax hand just 22-99, 78, 89, K8, K9, KQ etc you will notice fast if they are able to fold. If not take a note and only valuebet them.
Just keep it simple and don´t spew to much postflop, if you are unsure on your postflop play. We will still crush them with the help of our Pushchart.
Wet flops 2 connecting cards and a flushcard etc
* Bet good draws
* Pairs
* Make sure we got a piece of the flop if we cbet.
Cbet the flop:
There are diffrent kinds of flops obvious...for example.
1) A 2 2, K 2 2 cbet close to 100%
We dont need to make a big bet around 1/2 pot cause the flop is so dry.
2) K 9 2, K 8 2 cbet close to 90%
We dont need to make a big bet around 1/2 pot cause the flop is so dry.
The flops above are hard to hit so cbet alot.
Some examples:
1) A T Q cbet 100% cause its dry
2) A 5 A cbet 100% cause its dry
3) K 8 2 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
4) T 2 4 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
5) A 9 4 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
6) K 8 3 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
7) A 9 8 cbet 80% one high card and two connected lower cards
8) A K 6 cbet 100% two high cards connected and one low card
K Q 6 more check behind
J T 6 more check behind
Q J 6 more check behind
Why check more on the later flops? Because both low cards and high cards can connect more versus the first one.
9) 4s Ts Q don´t cbet check behind, two middlish cards with a flushdraw
10) 7s 2s 5 cbet 100%, because here all high cards combinations miss.
11) Q 7s 6s don´t cbet, unless we got a A or K in our hand because if our oppnent calls we still got some cards to hit.
12) T 9 6, don´t cbet, becuse no 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, Tx, hand will fold. J7, J8, J9, JT, KJ, KQ, K8 will not fold.
1) Own hand
Stronger hands - bet bigger
Weaker hands - bet smaller
2) Board texture
Board drawy - bet bigger
Less drawy - bet smaller
3) Opponent
High fold to cbet - bet
Calls cbet alot - bet with good hands otherwise check, or cbet and follow up with a turnbarrel. Because a lot of your opponents are callingstations so a flop bet will not do it but if you follow up with at turn bet, they will let you know if they got something.
Make it simple people still won´t pick up on what you are doing!
Opponent tendencies if Fcb is high cbet more.
If its checked around on the flop and we are in position cbet 100%
When we cbet we are not trying get our opponent to fold big hands, just nothing hands. For example on a A T 6 flop your opponents 88 have now become a "nothing hand" We are not and I´ll repeat not trying to make them fold a Ax hand just 22-99, 78, 89, K8, K9, KQ etc you will notice fast if they are able to fold. If not take a note and only valuebet them.
Just keep it simple and don´t spew to much postflop, if you are unsure on your postflop play. We will still crush them with the help of our Pushchart.
Wet flops 2 connecting cards and a flushcard etc
* Bet good draws
* Pairs
* Make sure we got a piece of the flop if we cbet.
Cbet the flop:
There are diffrent kinds of flops obvious...for example.
1) A 2 2, K 2 2 cbet close to 100%
We dont need to make a big bet around 1/2 pot cause the flop is so dry.
2) K 9 2, K 8 2 cbet close to 90%
We dont need to make a big bet around 1/2 pot cause the flop is so dry.
The flops above are hard to hit so cbet alot.
Some examples:
1) A T Q cbet 100% cause its dry
2) A 5 A cbet 100% cause its dry
3) K 8 2 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
4) T 2 4 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
5) A 9 4 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
6) K 8 3 cbet 100% cause flops is completely disconnected
7) A 9 8 cbet 80% one high card and two connected lower cards
8) A K 6 cbet 100% two high cards connected and one low card
K Q 6 more check behind
J T 6 more check behind
Q J 6 more check behind
Why check more on the later flops? Because both low cards and high cards can connect more versus the first one.
9) 4s Ts Q don´t cbet check behind, two middlish cards with a flushdraw
10) 7s 2s 5 cbet 100%, because here all high cards combinations miss.
11) Q 7s 6s don´t cbet, unless we got a A or K in our hand because if our oppnent calls we still got some cards to hit.
12) T 9 6, don´t cbet, becuse no 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, Tx, hand will fold. J7, J8, J9, JT, KJ, KQ, K8 will not fold.
One of the fundamnetal thing to know about sngs is that you should play tight, tight really tight no loose calls early in a sngs cause you want to save your chips, the chips you lose are more valuable then the chips you manage to win.You want to save as much chips to be able to make people fold when we are closing in on the bubble.
But as the blinds increase you need to be more aggressive and start playing more hands preferable pushing all in alot! And stealing blinds...
No one wants to be the bubbleboy! Thats why we have to know what to do when the bubble occurs! You need to know what is wrong and what is right! A lot of your profit comes from here, knowing when to go all in and knowing when to fold!
But as the blinds increase you need to be more aggressive and start playing more hands preferable pushing all in alot! And stealing blinds...
No one wants to be the bubbleboy! Thats why we have to know what to do when the bubble occurs! You need to know what is wrong and what is right! A lot of your profit comes from here, knowing when to go all in and knowing when to fold!
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